Yes, Dani, it has been a long while since I have blogged. Too much time on Facebook, I guess. Finally, got some snow in Darke County, Ohio! We are on a level 3 snow emergency. No one is to be on the road except emergency personnel. I left work at 4 as soon as my pizza was delivered. Mom had called and said to bring home pizza for supper.
Dudley likes to look out the window at the snow, but doesn't like to be out in it. He is getting ready to stay at Bilko and Belle's house while we go to see Fat Albert in sunny Florida in a couple weeks.
Forecast says 8-14 inches of the white stuff through tomorrow. Blowing snow will be the real problem if that happens as expected.
The grandkid is about 5 pounds by now, but still in the oven. Hurry up, Regi, let's get the show on the road. Regina was here last weekend while Jason was in Ireland. Had a great time with Bullwinkle, Bilko and Dudley all in the same house.