Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pharaoh the Comedian

I have been reading in Exodus recently, and have been observing a little of the dialogue between Pharaoh and Moses. I chuckled a bit this morning when reading about the seventh judgment against Egypt. There had been flies and frogs and lice and now it was hail like never before. What made me laugh was Pharaoh's statement after the hail. I'm guessing one of the softball-sized hailstones hit him on the noggin. He said, "I have sinned this time." Ya think so, Big P?
He had already started the comedy stuff, though, after the frog plague. He had had enough of the green pests in his bed, kitchen and outhouse, and Moses asked him when he would like them to be taken away. He answers in a typical comedic way, "Tomorrow." One more night with the frogs... you have probably heard Ernie Philips of the Kingsmen with the song of that title.
You know the end of the story. You may have heard of the learned man who was telling a little old Christian lady that the part of the Red Sea where the Israelites escaped was only about eighteen inches deep.
She thought on that a minute, and then began rejoicing. The man, thinking she was daft, asked her what she was doing.
She said, "I just got blessed knowing that God drowned the entire Egyptian army in eighteen inches of water!"
I still think Pharaoh should win "Comedian of the Year" for 1491B.C.


Janella Thompson said...

Ok, I don't think I will look at the story of Moses the same ever agian. Very funny. I will have to use that sometime with my Jr. Church kids. They already think I am crazy when I use my imagination to tell the stories and bring some "not so scriptual" realness to it...but this would be great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insight. Jason