Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hey Hey Hay

For those of you who know Ally, you know why she is nicknamed Fat Albert. And, you know why it's Hey Hey Hay. She is a horse person - always has been. I think she was born on a horse. Even my good friend, John Hinker says that Fat Albert has special abilities as a horse rider. As you know, if you read this blog, she just won the All Around Youth Contest a few weeks ago.
There are not a lot of hilarious memories of Ally that come to mind. She did provide us with a couple of funny incidents on vacation, though. In Branson, probably while waiting for Regi to finish her laps on the go-cart track (see blog entitled "The First One"), Ally was leaning against the railing that was probably about chest-high. She was about three at the time. Losing her footing, she found herself suddenly flipping over the metal rail and upside down, swinging by her little arms, head just barely missing the cement. We should have gotten the camcorder before rescuing her!
On the way to Virginia Beach via USAir, we had a layover in Pittsburgh. With a little time to wait, we were going to explore a little. Fat Albert and the other kids were starting to leave Mom for a little bit and Albert had her trusty Rabbit (which slept with her for years). She didn't want to drag it with her on this particular walk, so she took it back to Mom. It took her longer than expected, so I asked her what took so long. She said in her two-year-old voice, "I had a little trouble with Mom. I threw my rabbit on the floor, and Mom made me pick it up!"
Mom remembers when Fat Albert was learning to swim. When she was about to drown, she was to lift her hand up for Dad to save her. All Mom can remember seeing was one pitiful little index finger sticking out of the pool while her little baby struggled to stay afloat. Now, she can swim almost as fast as me! lol
She loves her little dog, Dudley. He sleeps with her every night. She got him for her sixteenth birthday, and they have been pretty much inseparable since.
Well, that's Fat Albert for you. She's spoiled, she's silly, sometimes she's serious and, oh, yes, if you don't know her, she's called Fat Albert 'cause she's about 5'3" and 105 pounds!


Regi said...

Yeah, I am pretty much sure there isn't an ounce of fat on her so why in the world you have dubbed her Fat Albert I have no idea. We need a picture of that Rabbit for the blog. Is that thing still around?

Anonymous said...

Good ole Ally!

LJL said...

I saw that rabbit not too long ago. I don't know if he has died yet.

Regi said...

Soo....where's the pic?

LJL said...

Hmm. Haven't found the bunny yet. Might have to see if Dudley can sniff him out.

Regi said...

We need a picture!