Thursday, July 10, 2008


What a great time we had at our house on the fourth. We had 36 people stop by for the party. Thanks to everyone who stopped by.
In just a few weeks, it will be just Mom, Dudley and me. Ally will be going away to Florida for school. We will get to see what the empty nest syndrome is all about, and I don't want to try it. But, I guess we will any way.


Dani said...

Empty nest? Your going to hurt Dudley's feelings!

Anonymous said...

It's not that great to start with but the quietness and cleanliness grow on you -- reminiscent of the early days before the kids all arrived!

Regi said...

You will be fine, I am sure!

Jessi said...

We have three VERY ENTHUSIASTIC boys if you miss the empty nest! It sounds like Dudley could use some more brothers!