Somebody, probably Uncle Phil, started rhyming everything when talking. For instance, he might say, "Look at the snow, Mo". That led to the most famous statement ever voiced by none other than Grandma Collingsworth, when a peanut fell on the floor. The words never forgotten by the Collingsworth family are here for your viewing pleasure, "Pick up the nut, Butt". We never let her live it down.
Anyone ever watched "America's Funniest Videos"? Of course, you don't usually have the video camera going when you should, or 'most everyone could "get it on camera and get it in cash". I have missed a few winners in the past. A friend of ours, who shall go unnamed, was playing softball at West Milton Campground. She ripped a double into right field, and unfortunately attempted to turn it into a triple. Halfway to third the skirt hit the ground and the triple was not to be!
Remax, our ancient dog, who, by the way, was supposed to pass away before any more dogs were added to the household (how did Dudley get here?) would have provided us with a $10,000 prize as one of the funniest videos. But, alas, we did not have the camcorder running. Uncle Merrill installed a new fence for us when we first became horseowners. Somehow, we forgot to inform Remax about the new obstacle between the house and the barn. The next day he ran to the barn as usual. Have you ever seen a three-foot-long dog with his snout stuffed two feet through a fence? He hit the fence at high speed, but he was none the worse for wear. He still lives on, in spite of Ally's grim assessment that he has three feet in the grave and the other on a banana peel. She thinks if he goes away, she can get Dudley II.
Regi remembers being tossed high into the air by Dad when she was little. She was pretty fearless. One cloudy day, after throwing her high into the air, it began raining. So, from that day on, I didn't throw her quite as high.
That's all for now. Send me memories if you have some come to mind.
You have almost brought me to tears remembering that game of softball. We've had some fun! I'll never forget that day and how bad I felt for her, but she just kept on going. You can't keep a tough one down - I guess.
I remember those games at the West Milton Camp but not a lot of memories. I do remember Merrill and Connie's cabin back that lane, but not a lot else. I remember hearing the memory you are referring to but I don't think I actually saw anything as I was probably too busy swinging or climbing on that weird tree.
I haven't thought about that softball game for a long time. I think that was the first time Randy took me to West Milton Camp. Thanks for the memories. :o)
I guess more people than I thought remember that softball game.
don't remember the softball game but do remember West Milton Camp and the playground...and a few softball games. I just remember thinking that the Lavy family was so huge that everyone must be related at the camp.
Who can forget "Pick up the nut, butt!" Mom was always sooo embarressed when we teased her about it.
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