Monday, August 4, 2008


This one is way out there. It's a little bit of Western, a little bad pronunciation/spelling, a little Nascar and all silly. Have at it.
Many years ago near a fort in Kansas, there was a little-known Indian tribe. The soldiers were friendly with the tribe and vice versa. Some days the soldiers would go to visit the tribe and engage in games with them. One of their favorite games to play was one in which the tribe would choose four of their nicest braves to run in a footrace against four of the soldiers. Since the Indians were so much faster than the soldiers, they had to start farther back than the soldiers. When the race was ready to begin, all the participants would line up on their respective starting lines. At this point the colonel who was the master of ceremonies would begin the race by allowing the Indians to start running from a point about ten yards behind the soldiers' starting line. As soon as the soldiers heard the braves start, they were allowed to leave their starting line. How did the colonel get the race started? By issuing the command, "??????, ????? ???? ?????????!"
I will wait to see who is far enough out there to post the correct answer. Thanks for reading and participating.


Regi said...

"Injun, start your gentlemen"


Regi said...

"injuns" (missed the 's')

LJL said...

Oh, well, what can I say? She lived with me too long. She must think like I do. "Injuns, start your gentlemen." If she keeps winning them all, I might have to really give her the big prize.

Anonymous said...


LJL said...

The consolation prize will be mailed out at the same time as the Big Prize.

Regi said...

Which will be when? Christmas :o)

Anonymous said...

hardy har har. i really expect to get the big consolation prize. well dad wish u were home we'd play a round of golf. im comin home with dani on friday night. anywho hope ur havin fun drivin. later!

Anonymous said...

keep forgetting to sign it. -brent

Janella Thompson said...

ok, so i am late keeping up on your blog...but I did have this one before I read Regi's so do i get in on the consolation prize with brent.